Wicked Wonders VIP Jewelry Experience

Wicked Wonders VIP Jewelry Experience
Do you know about the Wicked Wonders VIP Jewelry Experience? Our VIP Jewelry boutique group on Facebook is the place to be for everything bling! We currently have well over 7,000 members who have the unique opportunity to shop via Facebook.
VIP Group Members see all new releases FIRST and can commit to items over the course of an entire week. Simply comment SOLD on all of your must-have items and get billed on Thursday for all in-stock items you committed to in that billing week. While our website here offers an instant checkout (which you may prefer), the VIP Group works well for people who want to take their time and browse over the course of a few days. With over 4,000 items available, it's an exciting feature to have.
Just follow the link below…..click JOIN GROUP at the top of the group page and you are on your way! Scroll through the group page to see the most recent activity or search by keyword at the top of the page. There are a few rules regarding the VIP group and how it works, so please make certain to read the pinned post in its entirety prior to committing to purchases.
Most everything is always $5.00 and you are invited to join us for the savings! Only VIP group members have the opportunity to shop IN THE GROUP. The jewelry is adorable and the price is amazing!
A recap of how it works. Once you are a member, you will see periodic updates on new items or specials being offered only to VIP Group members. If you see something you like, you simply reply SOLD in the comments. We invoice you, you pay via PayPal (you don’t even need a PayPal account) and we ship it to your door. It’s just that easy. It’s a LOT of FUN! We have ladies’ pieces, men’s pieces, and children’s pieces along with hair accessories too! All the sales details can be found in the pinned post once you are a member.
Join our online jewelry boutique group today! It's pressure free and fun, shop in your comfy clothes at will. We have THOUSANDS of pieces to choose from!
Join now (it’s free) by clicking below: