Make a Statement, Double Stack
We all know that our jewelry is a key component in our overall fashion on a daily basis. Many times it is the focal point, so why not make a statement, double stack!
The concept is super simple. You take two necklaces or bracelets that are similar in color and/or style and wear them at the same time. Most people might not think of this which is why Wicked Wonders VIP Bling is here, to show you simple ideas that can change your entire look.
The double stack concept can be applied in many different ways. You can take a simple necklace and wear it with a longer, more bold piece. In this way, you actually draw more attention to the simple piece as the longer, bolder piece frames your more simple one (just like a picture frame really) and draws the eye toward the center of your chest (where the simple piece lays).
Typically, whatever necklaces you choose to double-stack, one should be short and one should be long. The shorter one can fall right at the neckline of the longer one or it can fall dramatically above it. There really is no limit to this style, only your imagination. Have two opposing colors in your outfit?
Choose two opposing colors with your jewelry that match. Here are some examples we have put together for you (all of our pieces of course and most every piece is still only $5 +S&H).

You may also choose to double stack your bracelets. One of our favorite looks is the double stacked wrap bracelet. We have TONS of snap wrap bracelets available here at Wicked Wonders. Just take two and wear them together. So simple and it adds so much sparkle to your look for the day.
To shop for necklaces at Wicked Wonders VIP Bling…
To shop for wrap bracelets at Wicked Wonders VIP Bling…